Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your life.
I remember the first time I saw this; It reminded me of how my Father lived his life. We would talk and he would share what he had learned in his short years.
In a nutshell, this is what I learned.
Profound and simple.
Watch what you believe; watch what you allow in your life as it will shape the life you lead.
Our belief systems are developed through parents, the environment, peer group, education and so much of what we surround us growing up.
Our beliefs turn into thoughts.
Our thoughts, be it positive or negative became the words we speak.
Those words we speak, they are part of us and become the action we take.
The action we take, each step, each thing we do, becomes our habits.
Our habits…the habits we have, the habits that have us in some cases, create our lives.
If you’re not happy with your life….start by looking at your beliefs, then your thoughts, your words, actions, and habits.
Wishing you a day of beautiful beliefs, thoughts, words, actions habits and most of all…life!
If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. Lao-tzu