Remember the rules of the sandbox?
Share your toys, be kind, don’t throw sand, make room for friends and clean up your toys. Don’t forget to say please, thank you and goodbye.
Even in adulthood the rules still apply…..
In the sand box of life, we have to remember the simple rules of childhood.
Share: In childhood we’re told to share our toys. In adulthood, we share our talents, our blessings, our time and so much more. Give back, share knowledge, let others learn from your successes and mistakes.
Don’t throw sand: In childhood, we were taught to be kind, don’t throw sand. Throwing sand hurts, it effect our eyes, our nose, our skin…it stings. In adulthood, we have to watch at the words we throw around….taste your words before you spit them out.
Be kind: When we make sand castles, with moots, draw bridges and more, we include the other kids in our plans to create something big in this world. As we go into adulthood remember to be kind and allow others to build with us.
Always make room for another. In our cherished group of friends, in line at the grocery store…make room for people in our lives. Take the time for others. Meet people, grow your friend group. Increase your circle, and look for ares of life to include more friends, more cherished lives.
When we pick up our toys and put them where they belong we allow others to see how we appreciate what life offers us.
When we say please and thank you we allow others to see how grateful we are for each person in our lives. Celebrate gratitude in life….everyday, in every breath…its time for you to say ….Thank you God for this amazing life I live.
Don’t leave without saying goodbye, you don’t know what life has in store as you leave.
Play nice today. Love to you all!